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Unfortunately we cannot guarantee same day shipment on orders placed today and tomorrow (27/28th March). We will be back to normal from Monday next week!
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee same day shipment on orders placed today and tomorrow (27/28th March). We will be back to normal from Monday next week!

About Us

Who are we?

Who are we?

We - Fred (the lanky one) and James (the one whose race suit actually goes as far as his ankles) - are two mates who have known each other since school. A few years ago, we bought a Clio 182 to use as a track day car, which started our foray into the RenaultSport world.

Fred is a chassis design engineer by day, and a welder, bespoke part designer and all round fixer by night, weekend and any other time he can manage in the garage. He's the guy who will look at things and go 'we can do better than that', then tinker until he finds the way.

James is... well he is an accountant by trade, but we try not to hold that against him. On the other hand, his fastidious attention to detail and ability to locate even the most obscure parts/information/whatever you need really come in pretty handy!

Where did it start?

Where did it start?

This is the night we bought the Clio on a summer's evening back in 2018. On the drive home from Harrogate, we were full of ideas of how it would be a quick and easy project to turn into a budget track day car for us to enjoy together. That plan soon changed...

On our way to our first track day (back in the days when it was road legal) the gearbox exploded, coming to a grinding halt on a dual carriageway. Its first adventure having been aborted in dramatic fashion, when looking to replace the decimated gearbox, we thought we might as well put the roll cage in it, and if we were doing that we might as well... Long story short, that is how a two and half year build began.

For the full story see our blog here

Web shop?

Web shop?

Over the course of the build, our first race season and the many trials and tribulations along the way (pulling an engine and gearbox out in the Anglesey paddock being a particular highlight), we have gained a huge amount of knowledge and experience, both mechanically and in sourcing/developing the best solutions for the Clio.

This experience, paired with our professional backgrounds, will allow us to share with other enthusiasts some of our favourite products and own bespoke designed solutions to enhance their experience and enjoyment of their cars.

What are our plans for 2025?

What are our plans for 2025?

We are going to be racing our Clio Mk2 in the MSV Trackday Championship like we did in 2022. However, with three more years experience and improvements we have our sights set a little higher.

Website wise, we are seeking to expand our product ranges further. We have some equipment arriving shortly which will allow us to develop are own products and offer them to you.