Renault Clio 172 & 182 Damped Crankshaft Pulley | Renault Mk2 RS F4R 2.0
An aftermarket damped crank pulley for Renault F4R engines. Acts as a harmonic damper to reduce torsional vibrations on the crankshaft.
This quality item can be used as a direct replacement for the pulleys found on Clio 172 and Clio 182 models. In these models the factory fitted pulley can fail due to age and stress related conditions that are placed on the rubber element of the pulley.
The pulley can also be fitted to Clio 197 & 200 models where it is seen as an upgrade over the larger and heavier factory fitted item. The Renault equivalent of this item is what was fitted as standard to the factory x85 cup race cars! For reference this pulley weighs approx 1.2kg vs the 2.3kg of the 197/200 factory fitted item. This modification will require further changes to the auxiliary/aux belt/idler/belt protection system.